Important Notice
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Kern County Public Works will have limited services and be closed to the public. For more information, click here.
Important Notice
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Kern County Public Works will have limited services and be closed to the public. For more information, click here.
For information regarding maps, easements, field notes, and bench marks please contact the Map Room at (661) 862-5067.
Special Study Zone Maps
Case Maps
A Case Map shows subdivisions (Tracts, Parcel Maps, etc.), Streets & Highways dedicated to public use, proposed highway alignments, Waterways (rivers, lakes, canals), Jurisdictional limit boundaries, Local Government properties, Easements dedicated to public use (access, drainage, etc.) and recording information about each document.
Corner Records
Corner records are filed when a record of survey is not required by law.
Corner Ties (Swing Ties)
Corner Ties (Swing Ties) are notes that show distances from a given point to a survey monument.
County Roads
Maps of County roads that can show right of way width, location and bearing of a given road. (Shown by county road number only, available from Case Maps)
County Road Records
County Road Records are records of the date of documents such as acceptance into the county road system. (Most contain the legal description)
Filed Maps
A Filed Map shows survey activity, performed by the County Surveyor's Office or the State of California, and is on file in the County Surveyor's Office. At this time, survey activity maps done by the State of California have not been scanned, and are NOT currently available for download. Copies may be obtained from local blueprint companies.
Government Plats
Government Plats are the original (and ongoing) surveys done by the federal Government to establish or re-establish Township and Section Corners.
Miscellaneous Surveys
Quality of map may vary due to age of map and file size restrictions, please zoom in. Paper copies can be viewed in the Public Services Building.
Parcel Maps
A Parcel Map shows the subdivision of land into Parcels for sale and is recorded in the County Recorder's Office. Parcel Maps typically contain fewer "Lots" than Tract Maps and requirements for improvements (to the property) are less extensive than those required for Tract Maps.
Record of Survey Maps
A Record of Survey Map shows survey activity, performed by a licensed land surveyor, and is recorded in the County Recorder's Office.
Sales Maps
First Subdivisions, newer than Governments Plats
Seismic Hazard Atlas
7.5 and 15 minute seismic hazard maps.
Street Intersection Ties
Information that ties out street intersections survey markers
Tract Maps
A Tract Map shows the subdivision of land into Lots for sale and is recorded in the County Recorder's Office.
Zone Maps
A Zone Map shows the regulated land use (zone districts) for each lot or parcel of land.
Search Index for Tract, Parcel Maps, and Records of Survey
A Geographic Information System, or GIS, is an organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information. In simple terms: A computer system capable of holding and using data describing places on the earth's surface.
Images are stored as Group 4 TIF files (very compressed). Many but not all image viewers can load these images. Here are some of the viewers that we know will load these images: